Sunday, November 30, 2008


While working to winterize our back yard on Friday DH discovered this lurking under one of our fountains...

Of course, then he called for me and the camera!

Take a closer look...
See that red hourglass on the underbelly of this HUGH black spider. Take a look at this picture I found on the internet...

It is a Black Widow Spider!!!
I was freaking out...I hate spiders. Especially dangerous ones like this one that can cause painful and medically serious bites! But of course...that didn't stop me from snapping away with the camera. Don't worry...I kept my distance...I used the mega telephoto zoom lens. :)


Adrienne said...

ACK!!!!! We had that happen once when I was little with dog food. My mom scooped the food out and sitting on top of the pile was one of those ... gives me shivers just thinking about it!

On a happier note ;D Loved your year in review and your Tday post - happy days!

Kiley said...

That is the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life! Spiders are my nemesis.