Yes, my cute little dogwood that was a gift from my sister for my wedding anniversary is covered in yellow tulle...
No, it is not in celebration of anything.
It is because of this darn thing:
Our local extension agent says our young trees (less than 6ft tall) need to remain covered for probably 3-4 more weeks! I hope having my trees covered in this ridiculous looking tulle is actually doing something because it sure is an eyesore. Everyone on my street has tulle covered trees. Mine is the only yellow one. Why? Because everyone else has had their tree covered for about 2 weeks already. By the time I got around to covering mine yellow tulle was all that was left. Mr. Cicada, I'm sure you have a purpose on this planet but can you please hurry it up because tulle covered trees are annoying.
This is one thing in my garden right now that really isn't an eyesore at all.
Hope everyone had a great weekend! I am in the process of working on a project for me and cutting out my Emmeline. I plan to post some progress later tonight. I have to get caught up on a post a day in may because I have been slacking. :) sorry.
At least your yard lookes like "the Joneses!" he he
Okay, that's hilarious!!
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