How did I every sew without this Dritz Quilting Chalk Pen! Oh my gosh...I love it! Forget marking pens or chalk pencils...this thing rocks! I bought mine in the Chalk Cartridge Set (which also includes pink and blue chalk so you can see your markings on all materials) after seeing it on one of my fave blogs Some of a Kind. The pen style holder is chalky hands and no sharpening! Love, love, love it! I'm gifting one of these to my sewing friend at work. You gotta try it...really.
he he - it IS the best! so glad you got one...marking up fabric will never be the same ;-)
ohh looks nice - and here I was so glad that I finally found my chalk pencils
cool, thanks for sharing that with us. I have such problems with my marking tools that I will try to hunt one of these down to use.
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