Monday, August 31, 2009

Fat Quarters and Insul-Bright

My sister and I discussed a new set of potholders for her kitchen. She wanted something bright, simple and functional. No grommets, no hoops to hang from, no frills. Just hardworking square potholders that could double as a trivet.

2 fat quarters and some Insul~Bright later...success.
A perfect pair of potholders.
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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bye-Bye Stinky Room

See those cute little sachets in the middle of this picture: I saw these little sachets while strolling through the baby section at Target picking up diapers, wipes and those handy, oh so handy little bags at the top of the picture. I immediately picked up the package and almost threw it into my cart thinking 'This is great! A cute little lavender scented sachet with baking soda to absorb the odors! Perfect for the twins stinky room!' (Despite the Diaper Champ it still just isn't as fresh as I think it should be.) Then I stopped. Why spend $5 on 2 of these sachets??? I could make these!
So, yesterday during the twins nap (which is hardly never longer than 30 children think sleep is for the weak...especially sleeping at the same time...I think they have a pact for one to keep watch while the other sleeps!) I made these:

Scraps of fabric from stash were used and all I had to purchase was the baking soda.
I placed one in the bottom of the diaper champ and one in a Longaberger basket hanging from a peg above the changing table.
The result: A breath of fresh air in the twins room. All for the low price of 57 cents.
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Saturday, August 29, 2009


I'm crafty again!

Times are a-changin'. Routines are becoming more routine and mama is finding sometime for herself. I've been working on a few knitty projects since they are more portable and easy to pick up and do a few rows while the babies play.

Can you believe it? I found time tonight to sew! Oh, how I missed my Bernina! Our reunion was blissful. Two (yes! two!) completed projects to share once I can take some decent pictures in the daylight.

Spent some time tonight giving the blog a facelift. What do ya think?
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